Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Menu Engineering: A Culinary Symphony for Profitable Dining

Glossary of Terms:

  • Appetizer
    A culinary overture, designed to whet the appetite and set the stage for the main event.
  • Entrée
    The star of the show, the dish that takes center stage and leaves a lasting impression.
  • Side Dish
    The supporting cast, providing balance and harmony to the entrée.
  • Dessert
    The grand finale, a sweet symphony that concludes the dining experience on a high note.
  • Profit Margin
    The percentage of revenue left after subtracting the cost of goods sold. It's like the chef's secret ingredient for financial success.
  • Popularity Index
    A measure of how often a dish is ordered, revealing the crowd-pleasers and the culinary flops.
  • Contribution Margin
    The profit margin per dish, calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from the selling price. It's the dish's financial star power.
  • Star Dish
    The dish that shines brightest on the menu, generating the highest profit margin and popularity. It's the culinary equivalent of a rockstar.
  • Plow Horse
    The workhorse of the menu, a dish that sells consistently but doesn't generate a high profit margin. It's the reliable friend who keeps the kitchen humming.
  • Dog
    The dish that's a culinary dud, failing to generate both profit and popularity. It's the menu's equivalent of a bad joke that falls flat.
  • Menu Matrix
    A visual representation of the menu, plotting dishes based on their popularity and profit margin. It's the chef's roadmap to menu optimization.
  • Menu Engineering
    The art of designing a menu that maximizes profitability and customer satisfaction. It's like a culinary symphony, where every dish plays a harmonious role.
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