Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

How to Do Alcohol Training for Servers: A Guide for the Restaurant Business

Step 1: Set the Stage

  • Gather your servers in a room where they won't be interrupted by the sound of clinking glasses or the aroma of sizzling steaks.
  • Start with a joke
    "Why did the server cross the road? To get to the other side of the bar!"
  • Step 2: Know Your Audience

  • Assess your servers' knowledge of alcohol. Are they seasoned veterans or greenhorns who think a "double" is a dance move?
  • Tailor your training accordingly, using humor to make the material relatable.
  • Step 3: The Basics of Alcohol

  • Explain the different types of alcohol (beer, wine, spirits) and their effects on the body.
  • Use a visual aid, such as a chart or a giant inflatable bottle of vodka.
  • Joke
    "What do you call a drunk who's always getting into trouble? A 'spirits' offender!"
  • Step 4: Responsible Serving

  • Emphasize the importance of checking IDs, refusing service to minors, and monitoring intoxicated guests.
  • Share stories of servers who have been caught serving alcohol to underage customers.
  • Joke
    "Why did the server get fired? Because they were caught 'under the influence' of the guests!"
  • Step 5: Dealing with Intoxicated Guests

  • Teach servers how to recognize the signs of intoxication and how to handle difficult guests.
  • Role-play scenarios where servers have to deal with a drunk who's trying to order a "fifth" of tequila.
  • Joke
    "What do you call a drunk who's always trying to start fights? A 'bar-barian'!"
  • Step 6: Legal Consequences

  • Explain the legal consequences of serving alcohol to minors or intoxicated guests.
  • Show servers a video of a server being arrested for over-serving a customer.
  • Joke
    "What do you call a server who gets caught serving alcohol to a minor? A 'jail-house bartender'!"
  • Step 7: Wrap-Up

  • Summarize the key points of the training.
  • Encourage servers to ask questions and share their experiences.
  • End with a joke
    "Why did the server quit their job? Because they were tired of 'pouring' their heart out!"
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