Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Step 1: The Welcome Wagon

  • Greet your new recruits with a warm "Welcome to the circus!"
  • Hand them a complimentary clown nose and a "How to Juggle Plates" manual.
  • Step 2: Kitchen Orientation

  • Show them the "Danger Zone" (aka the kitchen) and warn them about the resident fire-breathing chef.
  • Teach them the secret handshake for "I need a refill of napkins, stat!"
  • Step 3: Front of House Etiquette

  • Explain the importance of "the customer is always right," even when they're clearly wrong.
  • Demonstrate the art of "smiling through gritted teeth" when dealing with demanding patrons.
  • Step 4: Order Taking

  • Teach them the difference between "rare" and "well-done" (hint
    it's not just the color of the steak).
  • Show them how to decipher the secret code of customer requests (e.g., "extra crispy" means "burn it to a crisp").
  • Step 5: Food Running

  • Explain the concept of "hot plates, cold drinks" and the importance of not spilling the soup on the customer's lap.
  • Teach them the "ninja stealth" technique for navigating through crowded dining rooms.
  • Step 6: Table Clearing

  • Show them how to remove plates without accidentally knocking over the water glasses.
  • Teach them the art of "the disappearing act" when the customer is still finishing their dessert.
  • Step 7: Closing Duties

  • Explain the importance of "mopping the floor, not the ceiling."
  • Show them how to clean the bathrooms without gagging (or using a gas mask).
  • Step 8: The Final Exam

  • Test their skills with a mock dinner rush, complete with screaming customers, spilled drinks, and a malfunctioning dishwasher.
  • Award them a "Golden Spatula" for passing with flying colors (or a "Rubber Chicken" for failing miserably).
  • Remember: Training new restaurant employees is like herding cats. It's a chaotic, unpredictable, and often hilarious adventure. But with a sense of humor and a lot of patience, you can turn them into the best servers, cooks, and dishwashers in town.

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