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Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

How to Hire for Back of House Restaurant Jobs: A Culinary Comedy

Scene 1: The Interview Room

  • Interviewer
    Welcome, aspiring kitchen warriors! We're looking for the crème de la crème of back of house talent.
  • Applicant 1
    I'm a master of the spatula, a virtuoso of the whisk!
  • Interviewer
    Impressive. But can you handle the heat?
  • Applicant 1
    I'm a fire-breathing dragon in the kitchen!
  • Interviewer
    Excellent. Now, let's talk about your knife skills.
  • Applicant 1
    I'm a ninja with a cleaver! I can dice an onion faster than a speeding bullet.
  • Scene 2: The Kitchen

  • Interviewer
    Time for a practical test. Let's see you in action.
  • Applicant 2
    (Grabs a pot and starts stirring) I'm a culinary alchemist! I can turn ordinary ingredients into extraordinary dishes.
  • Interviewer
    (Tasting the concoction) Hmm... more like a culinary disaster.
  • Applicant 2
    (Sheepishly) I'm still working on my potion-making skills.
  • Scene 3: The Dish Pit

  • Interviewer
    And finally, the dish pit. Are you ready to face the ultimate test of endurance?
  • Applicant 3
    I'm a dishwashing dynamo! I can scrub a mountain of dishes in record time.
  • Interviewer
    (Hands them a pile of greasy plates) Prove it.
  • Applicant 3
    (Starts scrubbing furiously) I'm like a human dishwasher, only faster and with less water damage.
  • Scene 4: The Hiring Decision

  • Interviewer
    (After interviewing several candidates) Well, folks, it's been a wild ride. We've had spatula masters, culinary alchemists, and dishwashing dynamos.
  • Applicant 1
    So, who's the lucky winner?
  • Interviewer
    (With a twinkle in their eye) The one who can make a mean grilled cheese sandwich and keep the kitchen spotless.
  • Applicants
    (Groan in unison)
  • Epilogue:

    And so, the restaurant hired the most well-rounded candidate, who could not only cook but also clean and make a killer grilled cheese. And they all lived happily ever after, in a kitchen filled with laughter and delicious food.

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