Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Kwick365, online ordering site by KwickPOS

Brewery Industry Trends and Statistics Relevant to the Restaurant Business

1. Craft Beer Boom:

  • The craft beer market has experienced significant growth in recent years, with over 9,000 craft breweries operating in the US.
  • Craft beer sales account for approximately 13% of the total beer market, and this trend is expected to continue.
  • Restaurants are increasingly offering a wider selection of craft beers to cater to the growing demand.
  • 2. Taproom Culture:

  • Many breweries have opened taprooms where customers can sample and purchase their beers directly from the source.
  • Taprooms provide a unique dining experience, allowing customers to interact with brewers and learn about the brewing process.
  • Restaurants are partnering with breweries to offer taproom-style experiences within their establishments.
  • 3. Beer-Centric Menus:

  • Restaurants are developing menus that pair specific dishes with complementary beers.
  • This trend enhances the dining experience and encourages customers to explore new beer styles.
  • Restaurants are also offering beer flights and tasting menus to allow customers to sample a variety of beers.
  • 4. Non-Alcoholic Beer Options:

  • The demand for non-alcoholic beer has increased as consumers seek healthier alternatives.
  • Restaurants are offering a wider selection of non-alcoholic beers to cater to this growing market.
  • Non-alcoholic beers can be paired with food just like traditional beers, providing a satisfying option for those who prefer to avoid alcohol.
  • 5. Sustainability and Environmental Awareness:

  • Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of their food and beverage choices.
  • Breweries are adopting sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy sources and reducing water consumption.
  • Restaurants are partnering with breweries that prioritize sustainability to align with their own environmental values.
  • 6. Technology and Innovation:

  • Technology is playing a significant role in the brewery industry.
  • Breweries are using automation and data analytics to improve efficiency and quality control.
  • Restaurants are leveraging technology to enhance the customer experience, such as offering mobile ordering and beer recommendations.
  • 7. Collaboration and Partnerships:

  • Breweries are collaborating with restaurants to create unique beer-themed events and promotions.
  • Restaurants are partnering with breweries to develop exclusive beers that are only available at their establishments.
  • These collaborations benefit both businesses by attracting new customers and generating additional revenue.
  • 8. Market Size and Growth:

  • The global beer market is valued at over $600 billion and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.5% from 2023 to 2030.
  • The craft beer segment is expected to drive growth in the coming years, with a projected CAGR of 5.2%.
  • Restaurants play a significant role in the distribution and consumption of beer, and the industry trends outlined above are expected to continue to shape the restaurant business.
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